
Accounting Software Blog

Tired of Wasting Valuable Time on Administrative Tasks Instead of Selling?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Can Solve This Problem

Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers familiar sales tools that are natural and personal, information that is insightful and actionable, and a sales organization that is united and connected; producing a more efficient, intelligent, and collaborative sale process.

Thursday, October 4, 2012/Author: Mark Fernandez/Number of views (5551)/Comments (0)/

Don't Get Forced, Get What Fits

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Beats Salesforce.com in Price, Features and Productivity

Monday, May 14, 2012/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (4090)/Comments (0)/
Categories: CRM
Wednesday, May 9, 2012/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (4320)/Comments (0)/

Microsoft Dynamics ERP FY12 Existing Customer Winter Webcast Series

Microsoft will be hosting a series of webcasts designed to increase customer awareness and help customers understand how they can extend their current ERP investment.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (4821)/Comments (0)/

Case Study: CoeSolutions & MS Dynamics CRM Success in Government Reporting

In looking for a single system to manage its extension program work and improve government reporting, Microsoft Dynamics CRM delivered.
Friday, January 27, 2012/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3748)/Comments (0)/
Categories: CRM