Not just Virus Protection, but Correction!
If you are using your computer to browse the internet, to send and receive emails or download programs and files, virus protection is not longer an option but a vital necessity. Without the latest, up-to-date protection, your computer and your files are at risk.
Computer viruses and most recently, spyware continue to spread at an alarming rate! Without warning a virus attack can corrupt your valuable files and virtually destroy your costly systems. Our Certified Technicians provide worry-free protection from destructive viruses and spyware, performed in the convenience of your office.
We cannot stress how important it is to protect your files, networks and systems. We have many new clients who thought just by having pre-fab, out-of-the-box protection software installed, they were seamlessly covered. Unfortunately new, emerging viruses and spyware had gotten past their outdated software and managed to wreck their systems.
By utilizing our V.I.P. Program, our technicians assure your systems are safe-guarded by providing quarterly on-site updates and necessary emergency modifications to combat the ever-evolving threat of an attack.
To receive information about how the V.I.P. Program can protect your business from the daily threat of a virus, spyware or hacker attack, contact us.