
Accounting Software Blog

Security Flaw - Windows Phone

A Single Text Can Destroy the Messaging App

A WinRumors reader discovered the flaw and shows how one message will force a Mango device to reset, at which point the messaging app will no longer launch. WinRumors says they're working with Microsoft to get the bug reported and patched. 
Monday, December 12, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (2906)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Tech News

Create a Strong(er) Password

and remember it!

Three tips from the folks at Consumer News to help you create strong passwords that are easy to memorize:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (5915)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Tech News
Tags: Passwords

Tips for Securing Mobile Workers

Doing business requires a lot of time spent on the road, but what's different these days is you and your employees are on the road with YOUR business data.
Thursday, July 21, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3230)/Comments (0)/
Categories: SecurityTech News

Android Attack

A new variant of Zitmo, the Zeus Trojan spyware application that steals people's financial data, has been detected in the Android market.
Saturday, July 9, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (5265)/Comments (0)/
Categories: SecurityTech News

2011 - The Year of the Multi-Billion IPOs

Linkedin kicked off the tech IPO craze this year with a very profitable public offering. Pandora quickly followed, then Groupon and Zynga.
Thursday, July 7, 2011/Author: Sheri Mora/Number of views (3704)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Tech News