Author: Sheri Mora/Tuesday, April 24, 2012/Categories: Tech News
Admit it, you’ve looked at some of your fellow professionals and seen them using sexy iPads and thought, “Maybe I should get an iPad?” In my frequent tech speeches, many times I will ask how many Mac users we have in the audience, and though not many, it is always some young hip looking person (a person I personally want to be like, but will never be based on what my kids say). When Apple switched to the Intel CPU, I even considered buying one and putting Windows on it – just to look “hip” with that Apple logo (keep your comments to yourself – I already know it will not help!)
If you go to any of the LCPA events, you would find that many of the “leaders” have iPads and talk glowingly of their devices. I always look in amazement thinking (never mind what I was thinking, mom taught me if I can’t say something nice, to not say anything at all) – but I know what is really going on, with their iPads.
-Business Demands
First, a little background is in order. In my boutique software consulting business, with over 20 professionals and 3 locations – we use iPads. In fact, today we own 5 iPads, including one with the latest retina display versions (and faster battery drain). Many of you know we are a big Microsoft Windows shop. But we don’t use iPads for the reasons I’ve seen other CPAs use them. No, we actually use them because our clients demand we be up on the latest technology. And when people want to pay you for something, well…
We also program for iPads – so I know a little about the iPad and all of the software constraint baggage that goes with it. We have one client with over 100 iPads deployed using software we created with signature capture. The client really speeds up their billing process using the iPad, and we deploy and collect the iPad data without rekeying it into the accounting systems – pretty cool to be honest.
I also bought my wife an iPad to replace a laptop – more on that later.
-Consume or Create Data
So, how do you decide to get an iPad or not? This question was actually posed to me by a CPA I respect greatly here in Louisiana. The answer is actually the same as it is for any business software. What do you want to do with your iPad?
Really, what do you want to do? That question is key. You see, this question which appears difficult, is really not. What “Application” do you intend to use the iPad for (or any other hardware purchase)?
It is important to understand this following usability point. iPads (or any tablets) can be used to “consume” content, or they can be used to “create” content. Consuming content is easy on an iPad. Examples of consuming content are surfing the internet, listening to music, watching videos, or reading emails.
Creating content on an iPad is much harder than with a PC (or a MAC). Can you really do a “real” tax return on an iPad, no. Can you really create a good spreadsheet on an iPad, no. Sure, you can read and do minor edits all day long, but creating significant content we get paid for is hard. Try typing on an iPad keyboard – the one that pops up on the screen.
Sure, you could buy one of those sexy external keyboards to use with the iPad, but then what do you have? A LAPTOP! (No offense to all my iPad toting CPA Friends who have these – you know who you are.) That’s right, a laptop – and you already have one of those don’t you (OK – maybe it is too heavy)? BUT, laptops today with solid state drives are super thin and super light.
Anytime you make a technology buying decision, let the “Application” (software) be the first decision you make – not the second. Choose the most important applications you want to use first – and then buy the hardware that supports those Applications. Do not buy the sexy iPad and then try and use it as a replacement for your laptop – you will be disappointed.
So, my wife got her iPad, and I have it set up at the house to play music over the stereo and videos – as well as email and internet surfing. My wife really liked it at first – until she realized things she could not do easily – like typing. But as she will tell you, she can consume content on it as well as anybody – she buys stuff and…(sorry, I really don’t want to comment on that, I know the secret of a happy marriage and will just shut up now).
So, fellow CPA, do you want to look cool, or be productive? I thought so.
If you think about it, your phone actually can do more than the iPad. The biggest difference is the screen is smaller.
If you really want to use an iPad, check out Evernote or Microsoft OneNote for the iPad –which allow you to record all types of notes (word processing/note taking, emails, videos, and pictures), then sync them to the Cloud easily – now that’s what I call cool – and productive.
-Charles C. Coe Jr., CPA, MCSE
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