Author: Mark Fernandez/Monday, April 8, 2013/Categories: Sage
Use Sage 100 ERP to avoid costly delays due to materials purchasing or scheduling problems and enable smarter purchasing and production planning. Enable your purchasing and production managers to take control, gain more visibility and plan more effectively so your manufacturing stays on track. More accurately estimate the need for an inventory item with combined product build times, lead times, and supply and demand functions. Easily create and maintain a detailed bill of the components and miscellaneous charges that make up your finished items and sub-assembly components. Issue work orders, develop schedules, and track costs associated with your manufacturing process.
Work Order
- See up-to-the-minute, work-in-process information
- Get complete control of your manufacturing operations
- Ideal for assemble, engineer, or make-to-order processing
- Enables you to issue work orders, develop schedules, and track costs
- Use Work Order in conjunction with Bill of Materials
- Merge the material required to create a product from the appropriate bill
- All required paperwork can be generated from each work order
Sales Order
- Access your customer information in seconds
- Process your customer orders efficiently
- Check availability using up-to-date inventory on hand
- Suggest or reserve associated or replacement products
- Use the powerful and flexible features to set pricing for each of your items
- Analyze costs, set customer credit limits, and verify payments
- Analyze detailed pick, pack, and ship information at your fingertips
- Print a packing list or use drop ship capabilities to meet your orders
Purchase Order
- Streamline your entire purchasing process from order to delivery
- Create detailed, accurate records of every purchase
- Include quantities, price, and special shipping instructions
- Automatically generate a purchase order to vendors to replenish items
- Process partial receipts and update your shop floor and inventory records
- Monitor cost variances between goods received and goods invoiced
Material Requirements Planning
- Avoid costly delays due to materials purchasing or scheduling problems
- Enable smarter purchasing and production planning
- Speed up the work processes of your purchasing and production managers
- Enable management to take control, gain visibility and plan effectively
- More accurately estimate the need for an inventory item
- Generate monthly and weekly sales projections
- Supply and demand estimates using integrated modules
Bill of Materials
- Produce accurate and informative reports
- Easily create and maintain a detailed bill of the components and charges
- Easily accommodate after-the-fact production documentation
- Automatically relieve the component items used from inventory
- Automatically receive the finished products into inventory
- Account for disassembly of finished items, or modified components
For more information on how the features of Sage 100 ERP can benefit your business contact us.
Coe Solutions
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