Author: Mark Fernandez/Friday, December 21, 2012/Categories: Dynamics GP, Information Technology, Tech News
Perpetual Licensing for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 is designed to help small and midsize businesses jumpstart their financial insights and distribution management and then easily extend into all functional areas.
Perpetual Licensing provides a step forward by simplifying how you purchase an ERP solution. The entire solution can be licensed via four core components: The Starter Pack, the Extended Pack, the Full User and the Limited User. Additional configuration components are also available. Access to the Dynamics ERP solution functionality is licensed through user licenses on a concurrent user basis.
THE STARTER PACK The Starter Pack gives you core Financials and Distribution functionality, plus three Full User licenses.
The functionality included in the Starter Pack is designed to help you:
Gain control and insights over your finances Manage your sales items and materials in a distribution environment Provide your licensed users a singular view of the business from virtually anywhere through a variety of clients.
As a customer, you need to license one Starter Pack per ERP Solution deployment. For many, this is the only Microsoft Dynamics license component you will need.
THE EXTENDED PACK To deploy some of the advanced functionality delivered by Microsoft Dynamics,you can license the optional and additive Extended Pack. The Extended Pack adds functionality that allows you to integrate core financials and distribution management with industry specific functionality extensions such as:
Manufacturing to support and control your manufacturing environment Warehousing to manage the warehouse to support operations Professional Services to manage the billable activities generated by your consultants Basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to manage your customer and supplier relationships and offer them the highest quality of service and support.
The first three Full Users included in the Start Pack get access to all of the incremental functionality.
FULL USER Full User licenses provide users full read and full write capabilities to all of the licensed solution functionality through any and all modes of access, including the Windows Client, the Web Client, the Microsoft SharePoint Client,or any other mode of access going through the API (including Web Services).Full User licenses are for users requiring unlimited read and write access. As long as the number of users needing simultaneous access to the solution does not exceed the number of Full User licenses you have acquired, these users are properly licensed for full read and write access to the complete solution functionality.
LIMITED USER Limited User licenses provide users full read but limited yet powerful write capabilities to all of the licensed solution functionality through any and all modes of access including the Windows Client. The Limited User license is designed to give you a lower-cost alternative for extending ERP to users who only need to perform limited tasks as defined in the Microsoft Dynamics ERP Licensing Guide.
Coe Solutions
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