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Apple's OS X Security Honeymoon Is Over

Apple OS X is under more scrutiny than ever

Author: Anonym/Tuesday, October 20, 2015/Categories: Announcements, Information Technology, Security, Tech News

Due to Apple’s increased market share, it’s now apparent that OS X wasn’t as secure as people thought, and it was a simple matter of malware writers not targeting Apple. Now, the honeymoon is over and there is a large increase in attacks against Apple operating systems, so the same security measures that Windows users take and Apple users have ignored, will have to be used.

A report shows that more malware has been found this year for OS X than in the last five years combined. The company found 948 unique samples of malware this year compared to just 180 between 2010 and last year. Although the increase is large, the malware isn’t very sophisticated and is easy to remove, security experts say.

More than half of the malware found this year was aimed at forcing people to view advertisements, a class of annoyances known as adware. Also, infections were mostly dependent on users making poor decisions, such as downloading what should be recognized as questionable software. The jump in OS X malware also still pales in comparison to Windows.

Listen to the security experts: Apple users should be trained just as much as Windows users about security awareness. Effective security awareness training should be a must for all employees, not matter what type of computer they're using. Click the link here to find out how affordable that is for your organization. https://info.knowbe4.com/kmsat_get_a_quote_now

Read more about Apple's OS X security honeymoon coming to and end by clicking on the link below. Also, read here about how to stop gullible employees from doing stupid stuff.



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